martes, 26 de abril de 2011

One more day!!!

After several months ago, I finally begin to write my blog on 26th April 2011......LOL.... I have created it since more than one year approx. and to be sincere, this is the first time I'm really writing something on serious, regardless all fucking things I wrote last time.

Well, at 03:00am GMT, I have considered and thought about all these years that I have lived and I have had the best opportunity to meet both, great people and great places which may be I could visit as soon as possible. Accurately, there were both today, very good news and very bad news, but I will share them with you later, depending on how the events are lapsing in my life. For now, I just want to tell you that today I was thinking of great ideas for my future, as well as I was thinking of some adventures I want to do in few years by taking into account all I remember about my life too. I mean, I remember things like my ex-schoolmates, my neighbor-friends, my enemies, my ex-girlfriends, my lovers, my enjoyments, my first bicycle, my first kiss, my first sexual relation, my first kinder-garden, my first and second school, my first semester at the university where I was the typical new school guy, the subjects I satisfactory passed and those which I lost...LOL...the "uglies" of the classroom, the teachers, the sexiest classroom girl, and the fucking painful expositions, homeworks and exams....ohhhhh....and how the fuck I started to write all this, even tough I am completely sure it sucks for many of you, but not for me, so whoever doesn't want to read this any more, please change the fucking blog immediately.

By the other hand, I want to share with you one of my thoughts about my future: to be a great person who gives tools to people in need so that they could be someone in life, but not giving them just money, in contrast, giving education and radical thought; but how?.....well, I'll tell you that later. However, I just want to tell you that is very important you complete all your dreams in your life without give up so soon.

....Mmmmmmm the truth, I have not nothing more to write. I want to say many things, but at the same time, I think I will be without words at the end of the blog, so I just want to thank you for read my blog for first time and the person who didn't like...well is your will. I just hope you enjoyed it and understand it was my first blog. I don't know when I'll return to write the second blog again but I just expect you enjoy it with a good colombian coffee, a good germany beer or a good scotch whisky. Thank you so much and read you on the next time...LOL...Finally, if you have ideas, opinions or some topics to discuss, just try to write them in order to make a debate or discussion about those, you know, this is yours and for you...bye bye.

Good day.

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